We all do it! We pack around various items for those ‘just in case’ moments- an extra bottle of water, a flashlight, extra batteries, band aids, aspirin, an umbrella and everyone’s favorite tool – a Swiss Army Knife. We don’t do it because we are crazy; we do it because we are cautious, and because we have a good sense to protect ourselves.It’s because of this good sense that we are prepared for whatever life throws us, and in the end, that planning pays off. Shouldn’t the same planning and preparation extend to your health care? Even the best health and medical insurance plans have out-of-pocket expenses: co-payments, deductibles and coverage limits. If something should happen and you or your loved one had to enter the hospital for impatient treatment, wouldn’t a little extra coverage and preparation make good sense?

scary thoughts
Consider this:
-The average expenditure for a hospital stay is $10,400.
-In 2012, there were approximately 36.5 million hospital stays in the United States, representing a
hospitalization rate of 116.2 stays per 1,000 population. Across all types of stays, the average length of a hospital stay was 4.5 days. Aggregate hospital costs were $377.5 billion, and the average cost per stay was $10,400
-The average age of a hospital stay inpatient is approximately 52, with 24% of inpatients being 45-64, and 38% age 65 years and over.
-The average inpatient hospital stay for people age 45-64 is 4.9 days, and 5.2 days for people age 65 and older.

Good Sense:
Gossard Insurance & Retirement